Florida Sheriff Says Carole Baskin Refused Polygraph Test: ‘Everyone Else Has Agreed’ - Law & Crime

Florida Sheriff Says Carole Baskin Refused Polygraph Test: ‘Everyone Else Has Agreed’ - Law & Crime

Florida Sheriff Says Carole Baskin Refused Polygraph Test: ‘Everyone Else Has Agreed’ - Law & Crime

Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

Carole Baskin, the lead protagonist in the hit Netflix series Tiger King, despite the memes and allegations made by her rivals, has repeatedly denied having fed her ex-husband, millionaire gadfly and businessman Don Lewis, to her own tigers or some other cats at Big Cat Rescue. But she has also refused to take a polygraph (a.k.a lie detector) test.

The revelation was delivered Tuesday morning by Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister during an online press conference.

"The last dealings that we had were back in 2011," Chronister said of the principal investigation into Lewis's mysterious disappearance and now-presumed–and legally-adjudicated–death. "We did offer Carole an opportunity to take a polygraph."

Straight, no chaser. The sheriff did not mince words:

Everyone else has agreed. And she declined. She said that her attorney told her it wouldn't vindicate her of anything. So, she declined to be interviewed.

Chronister was responding to a question as to whether there were any significant updates–aside from the slew of new leads prompted by the massive viewership of Tiger King–on the case. The sheriff said there were not but took the opportunity to discuss some of the various ways the original inquiry into Lewis's whereabouts was frustrated.

"It almost seems like our investigators, at every turn, encountered another obstacle," Chronister said. "I'll give you an example: he had two security guards. Both of them at the front gate of his property. They interviewed them separately. You have one saying, 'I haven't seen him in six months.' You have another saying, 'I saw him last week.' And these are two people, two individuals that work closely together. So, an extremely convoluted case."

Don Lewis, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office

The sheriff also hinted that Lewis himself was no angel:

Anyone who's watched this series has seen how complicated and convoluted [the cast's] lives are. Don Lewis's life was no different. From his business dealings–I should say: shady business dealings down in Costa Rica. To having a girlfriend down there. To funneling money down there in small amounts. Taking clothes down there for different individuals–young individuals that upset parents with some of the sexual relationships he had there. It was extremely convoluted. No different from in the series.

The technical status of the case into the missing businessman is that it's cold. But the success of the show has prompted a newfound focus and diversion of staff to field possible leads.

"The case remains open," Chronister said. "We never close a cold case. What we will do is assign detectives and supervisors to other, higher priority cases, where we're actively pursuing leads that are coming in."

"What I've done in this case, because of all the leads that are being generated because of the phenomenon that's been on Netflix, is ask that a detective supervisor be assigned to handle all the leads coming in," the sheriff continued.

And there has been a marked increase in leads and calls since Tiger King originally aired.

"I think the great thing about this that's come out is everyone's home," Chronister said, to muted laughter from some of the press. "They're watching Netflix which means they're home. Which means they're being safe. But we've got an increased number of leads. Over the last four or five days, we've had six on average. None credible yet. A lot of theories coming in on who they believe committed this homicide."

As for the best-case scenario? Sheriff Chronister reiterated his hopes that the intense national focus on the once-forgotten case elicits some classic criminal backstabbing.

"If you've seen the series, because of the competition between the people that had the different cat rescues, there was a lot of question and theories about who was loyal," he said. "And was someone really there as a spy? These individuals constantly had to prove their allegiance to the owner of the different rescues. So, what we're hoping is even someone has had a change of heart. Maybe a relationship status has changed. Anything that might help us solve this case."

Baskin, for her part, posted a lengthy statement on her website addressing the allegations and calling them lies.

When the directors of the Netflix documentary Tiger King came to us five years ago they said they wanted to make the big cat version of Blackfish (the documentary that exposed abuse at SeaWorld) that would expose the misery caused by the rampant breeding of big cat cubs for cub petting exploitation and the awful life the cats lead in roadside zoos and back yards if they survive.

There are not words for how disappointing it is to see that the series not only does not do any of that, but has had the sole goal of being as salacious and sensational as possible to draw viewers. As part of that, it has a segment devoted to suggesting, with lies and innuendos from people who are not credible, that I had a role in the disappearance of my husband Don in 1997. The series presents this without any regard for the truth or in most cases even giving me an opportunity before publication to rebut the absurd claims. They did not care about truth. The unsavory lies are better for getting viewers.

There is no short, simple way to refute so many lies. If you do want to know the truth, it requires understanding the history of events in the years before my husband's disappearance and the roles and behaviors of the people interviewed in the series, which I have tried to do as concisely as I can below but still requires a few pages.

You can read the rest of Baskin's history of events here.

Joe Maldonado-Passage, the Tiger King himself more widely known as Joe Exotic, was sentenced in Jan. 2020 to 22 years behind bars in the murder-for-hire plot against Baskin, and for illegal animal trafficking and animal abuse.

[image via screengrab/Big Cat Rescue]

MAFS' Mikey takes a polygraph test after Stacey denies sleeping with him - New Idea

Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:37 AM PDT

Stacey, Stacey, Stacey

Speaking of the night, Mikey said: "Michael was in a different hotel room, so, me, Ivan, Aleks and Stacey all got on the beers together. One thing led to another, another 20 beers went down, and me and Stacey, we had a one night stand."

It was Natasha who decided to announce the scandal to the group during the final dinner party.

"I'd like to make a quick toast," Natasha said.

"I'd just like to say how nice it is to have everyone back together, new faces I don't know and old faces I've seen 100,000 times.

"I'd like to toast Stacey and Michael for having the fakest relationship in reality TV history, and I'd like to toast Stacey for f--king my husband on our one month anniversary. Cheers to you, babe."

He said, she said

Stacey, who likes to remind everyone that she is a lawyer, called for evidence with Josh telling her Mikey is the main evidence that is needed.

He also produced text messages from the morning after and Aleks and Ivan said she also dropped off his clothes.

Then Natasha said: "Is it because you're a lawyer that you needed evidence? So when I told you Mikey lasted 20 seconds [in bed] you had to go and find out for yourself?"

MAFS' Michael opens up about cheating scandal after Mikey's explosive polygraph test - Lifestyle

Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:52 PM PDT

It was one of the most explosive dinner parties to ever take place on Married At First Sight with Mikey Pembroke claiming he and Stacey Hampton slept together during filming. 

Then, last night, Yahoo Lifestyle obtained exclusive footage of Mikey sitting down to take a polygraph test to set the record straight on whether or not he was lying - where he was cleared of any falsehood by the operator.  

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Married At First Sight's Michael has spoken out about Mikey's polygraph test. Photo: Channel Nine

And now Michael Goonan has spoken out about the polygraph test, saying he completely believes that his ex-'wife', Stacey, fooled around with Mikey behind closed doors.

"Rumours that it was Mikey's dad friend that did the polygraph test and everything like that. No," Michael told Krysti and Bodge on the Hit Mid North Coast radio station.

"The guy's credentials who did that polygraph test - he's a very very serious detective. It's not Mikey's dad, Mikey's dad works in the healthcare industry." 

Michael went on to say it was "pretty full on" but between the polygraph test and the message exchange between Stacey and Mikey, he claims he "knows she did it".

"I said: 'Are there any messages? Please tell me there are no messages.' That was my opportunity to have her back," Mikey said after fans questions his bizarre response to the cheating drama last night. 

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Mikey Pembroke took a polygraph test where he answered questions about his alleged tryst with Stacey. Photo: Supplied

"When Mikey came back and showed Michael the messages he reportedly exchanged with Stacey, Michael said he just thought  'Oh, you're a sinking ship. I can't help you with this, get your lifejacket mate".

Michael said he wanted to speak with Stacey privately away from the dinner party cameras, as they "didn't really need the drama of the show".

"When you're in this journey with someone, you do have respect for them," he said.

 "She has two beautiful little boys. For me to out her and join in with the rest of the group wasn't necessary.

"My decision was made then, (but) I stayed quiet," he continued.

 "I didn't want to bury her, I let her keep her class, well, I tried to let her keep her class. And then we had the decision and we had the chat when we got back to the hotel that night."

Last night, Yahoo Lifestyle uploaded exclusive footage of Mikey being cleared of any possibility of lying by a polygraph test. 

"I, Michael Pembroke do hereby declare that while at the Sky Suites apartments I had sexual intercourse with Stacey Hampton," Mikey wrote in a declaration that was then grilled by the qualified tester.

"It is my opinion that you are in fact being truthful to that issue,"  the man said at the conclusion of the test, confirming that Mikey scored an average of 10 on each answer.

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Stacey has denied any allegation that she slept with Mikey. Photo: Supplied

For an answer to be considered truthful the cut-off score is three, meaning Mikey more than tripled the required criteria.

"There was no strong emotional responses indicative of deception to the declaration," the tester explained.

Stracey has since denied the allegations , claiming: "nothing happened between Mikey Pembroke and I, no sexual relations, nothing. I can guarantee that and I can sit here and swear on anything."

In another video obtained by Yahoo Lifestyle, Stacey was asked about Tuesday night's episode of the show where the allegations were brought up at the final dinner party, resulting in the breakdown of her relationship with Michael Goonan.

"Mikey couldn't even look me in the eyes, he actually got his ex to do it for him. I swore black and blue as I will today, that Mikey and I have [never] ever shared any sort of sexual intimacy. We were friends and that is it, and I get where the presumptions have come from, because we did share coffee together and we did hang out," she said. 

"It actually rattles me why Mikey, still to this day, is continuing to bring these rumours up regarding us, I have nothing to gain. I lost my partner due to these rumours. I would admit it if it happened, but I'm going to sit here and swear on anything that it didn't happen and I don't get why he's saying it."

Got a story tip or just want to get in touch? Email us at lifestyle.tips@verizonmedia.com.


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